Saturday, July 01, 2006
Riding the Rainbow into Graceland

George W. Bu$h accompanies date Junichiro Koizumi, and two local lady friends, as they shake, rattle and roll the night away at a Memphis gay bar.
A fabulous hunka hunka burnin' good time was had by all.
Original photo credit: Mathew Cavnanaugh/European Pressphoto Agency
4 click on photo above for larger view
Jesus Suffers Organ Failure

President Bush's power to inflict pain and suffering on human beings and/or god-human hybrids took a big hit today when the Robed Ones declared (vote was 5 to 3 with one abstraction) that he can't just make shit up whenever he wants and rule like some deranged frat boy with a deviant covey of advisors to steer him toward armageddon. Bush responded to the ruling by boiling his own head in melted cheese and glueing popcorn to his horribly damaged flesh. Who says Bush doesn't "get it?" He gets it, okay? 'Nuff said.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Limbaugh dancing in the Dominican Republic
Down by the sea
I found your hidden treasure
Just you and me
We overdosed on pleasure
~ Men At Work
Just catching up here on this one...
To recap:
Yeah ok, but... uhm, doesn't this sound like there may have been - hey, just sayin' - a little confusion back at the hotel somewhere 'round checkout time?
What with all that rum and sun and lotion and salty fluids and all. Ya know, and a little last minute goodbye grabass... Rushbo in a hot-pink metallic shaft nylon thong chasing Doc Dittohead around the bungalow with a soggy loofah... plenty of squeals and giggles and some last minute nutgrabbing... the two crack the minibar and toss back a couple shots of Gran Marnier for the road and a flushed final scramble for the airport ensues. A few dresser-top items (like a prescription bottle - if ya know what i mean) get swept away in the moment and routed into the wrong carry-on bag in the all sweaty panting hubub. (ok, who brought the poppers?!) And you know the rest. Just one of those kooky vacation carry-on mix-ups.
Don't you think Loonbaugh's doctor friend would like his rocket fuel.... I mean medicine! - don't you think he'd like his medicine bottle back? Then again, maybe not.
I found your hidden treasure
Just you and me
We overdosed on pleasure
~ Men At Work
Just catching up here on this one...
To recap:
Rush Limbaugh Detained at Palm Beach Airport After Authorities Find Bottle of Viagra
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. Jun 27, 2006 (AP)— Rush Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at Palm Beach International Airport after authorities said they found a bottle of Viagra in his possession without a prescription.
Customs officials found a prescription bottle labeled as Viagra in his luggage that didn't have Limbaugh's name on it, but that of two doctors, said Paul Miller, spokesman for the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.
A doctor had prescribed the drug, but it was "labeled as being issued to the physician rather than Mr. Limbaugh for privacy purposes," Roy Black, Limbaugh's attorney, said in a statement.

What with all that rum and sun and lotion and salty fluids and all. Ya know, and a little last minute goodbye grabass... Rushbo in a hot-pink metallic shaft nylon thong chasing Doc Dittohead around the bungalow with a soggy loofah... plenty of squeals and giggles and some last minute nutgrabbing... the two crack the minibar and toss back a couple shots of Gran Marnier for the road and a flushed final scramble for the airport ensues. A few dresser-top items (like a prescription bottle - if ya know what i mean) get swept away in the moment and routed into the wrong carry-on bag in the all sweaty panting hubub. (ok, who brought the poppers?!) And you know the rest. Just one of those kooky vacation carry-on mix-ups.
Don't you think Loonbaugh's doctor friend would like his rocket fuel.... I mean medicine! - don't you think he'd like his medicine bottle back? Then again, maybe not.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
the meadowlark state
For granny - in montanny
Kos: I think I'd move to Montana if my wife let me.
(on Jon Tester and the Montana Senate race).
F Granny Insanity (in Montana)
Kos: I think I'd move to Montana if my wife let me.
(on Jon Tester and the Montana Senate race).
F Granny Insanity (in Montana)