
Monday, June 06, 2005

Our delusional Preznit 

Lizzie "Fluffer" Bumiller, Girl Reporter, is at it again. She lets the following pass without comment:

"The idea of people expressing themselves in opposition in government, then getting a beating, is not our view of how a democracy ought to work," Mr. Bush said. "It's not the way that you have free elections."
(via NY Times)

Oh my. "Free elections," from the Chief Weasel who stole Election 2000. But let that pass. After all, I've gotten over that a long time ago.

What really spiked my B.S.S. was this: "The idea of people expressing themselves in opposition in government, then getting a beating, is not our view of how a democracy ought to work."

As usual, Bush insults as by assuming we have no memory at all. Remember people getting beaten up at Republican rallies during election 2004? Of course you do. (And if you don't, see especially here, for the smirk, but also here, and here. Then, of course, there are the people the Republicans get fired from their jobs. Or google "MBF watch" in the search box above.) Do you remember Bush saying one single word condeming his thugs? Of course not. And silence means consent. Bush sees it, and says nothing. That means he want it to happen.

The question I keep asking myself is this: Is Bush a liar, or has he gone so far beyond lying that He actually believes what he says?

NOTE We'll give Bush a free pass on His use of The Royal We ("not our view"), too.

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