
Saturday, August 21, 2004

MBF Watch: Don't Heckle at the Sermon on the Mount 

This reverential piece o' crap ran--as a straight news story, mind you, not an editorial or comment piece--in the Hagerstown (MD) Herald-Mail. It was a followup to the story of the Visitation itself, written by one Candice Bosley who reported the Stump Sermon itself as if it were news:
HEDGESVILLE, W.VA. - A small group of birds hopped up and down the steps of a set of bleachers at Hedgesville High School Wednesday evening, perhaps looking for crumbs of food left over from Tuesday's visit by President Bush.

As a slight breeze blew and the sun lazily made its way down behind the western end zone, few visible signs indicated that the president spoke on the field a day earlier.

Aside from one heckler who was quickly quieted, Bush's visit went without a hitch.
Egads! A heckler dared to speak? The Visitation was troubled by mockery?? I picture Candice in tears. Whatever shall be done, Lord? How can we make this up to You?

I know! Let's take back his goddam loaves and fishes!

But wait! There's more!
MARTINSBURG, W.Va. Aug. 21, 2004 — A man who heckled President Bush at a political rally was fired from his job at an advertising and design company. The graphic designer said he was told he'd embarrassed and offended a client who provided tickets to the event.

"I was told that my actions reflected badly on the company and that a client was upset," Glen Hiller of Berkeley Springs said.
(via abcnews.com)

Anybody know a campaign in the West Virginia/Maryland/southern Pennsylvania area who needs a graphic designer? I think we can count on Glen to be self-motivated.

UPDATE Funny thing, the web site of Hiller's erstwhile employer, Octavo Design in Frederick, MD, seems to be down. Nothing but a big orange page. Sheesh, the MBFs are really giving orange a bad name, aren't they?

However, Octavo Design's contact information is below. Maybe some alert readers can find out if they're reconsidered firing a United States citizen for exercising freedom of speech:

Email: sue@octavodesigns.com
8 N. East Street, Suite 100
Frederick, MD 21701
301-695-8885 phone
301-695-0770 fax

Oh, and here's the local trade association, GFAF, to which Octavo Designs belongs. I wonder if they share Octavo's view of the First Amendment? Inquiring minds want to know, so ask them:

President:  Karen Richey, Long Fence
Vice President:  Eryn Willard, ION Design
Treasurer:  Dave Diehl, Hood College
Secretary:  Emily Dorr, Jean Peterson design.

Directors:  Carrie Delente, Enforme Interactive
Kim Dow, LTD Creative
Terri Fleetwood, Fleetwood Design, Inc.
Jamie Stup, Wood Street, Inc.
Ron Mele, The Art Department
Sandy Dubay Sponaugle, Platinum PR

Past President: Eryn Willard, ION Design

Just ask GFAF if it's OK with them that one of their members, Octavo Designs, feels free to fire a US citizen for speaking freely at a campaign event. I'm sure they'll be very happy to clarify any questions that you have, if you share your concerns with them.—Lambert

UPDATE Oh, I forgot. Octavo thought their employee offended a client. Here's an existing Octavo client. Maybe alert readers could find out from Eduro if using a vendor who fires employees when they exercise their freedom of speech makes Eduro look bad, or not:

240.597.5851 Fax

UPDATE Thanks to alert reader anonymous, here's the cached Octavo site. Interestingly. the "team" (Ha! Some "team"!) page is blank. There is, however, a second email address: info@8vodesigns.com. They do have a portfolio here. I'm sure the clients listed there would be happy to be asked whether they support vendors who deny their employees their first amendment rights.

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