Thursday, October 29, 2009
Dentist The Menace Dismissed
"Therefore, for the reasons stated above, Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss is GRANTED." ~ Judge David O. Carter, US District Court for the Central District of California.
Dr Orly (the mad dentist of delinquency) looses another tooth.
Dave Weigel (Washington Independent):
She fought the law and the law won.
¹ [Video]:
Dr Orly (the mad dentist of delinquency) looses another tooth.
Dave Weigel (Washington Independent):
Central District of California Judge David O. Carter has dismissed Barnett et al v. Obama et al, Orly Taitz’s most successful lawsuit — that is, the one that got the furthest through the legal system — demanding proof of the president’s citizenship. The entire decision is here, and it’s devastating to Taitz. Here’s an excerpt of the disposition, with emphasis in the original: [see link above]
She fought the law and the law won.
¹ [Video]: