
Monday, August 25, 2008

PUMAcRATS: John McCain's Handmaids 

Watching the cable television news story time shows; everything from CNN house mouse Anderson Cooper to Pentagon perception management embeds John King and Wolf Blitzer, CNNs American Enterprise Institute patio speaker Bill Schnider, the crooked FOX Noise flim flam carnies - with their attendant hammer squash and possum belly queens - and so forth. All are pushing the Great Hillarian/PUMA Mutiny of 2008 narrative.

All day long on Sunday, and I suspect for the rest of the week, we will be subjected to an endless loop of excitable blather from the mic-men and midway roustabouts operating the spinning jinny at the "most trusted name in news" and the flair for the unbalanced network. A coaster ride of vomiting pundits and pols all throwing up about the Democratic Convention's most talked about freak show; indignant Hillary supporters and the litter of plush toy PUMA prizes up for grabs at the wheel of fortune booth. Oh me oh my what shall be done to win this wounded pride - who must certainly number in the multi-millions and utlimately hold the entire election outcome (and the future survival of democracy itself!) in the pad of their distempered paw. That's the bally they are barking about on the boob toob.

A new McCain ad is targeting supporters of Hillary Clinton.
(CNN) – As the Republican campaign to take advantage of fresh reports of friction between the Clinton and Obama camps shifts into high gear, John McCain released his second ad in two days aimed at wooing the New York senator's disappointed supporters.


Bartoshevich is among a small group of self-described Clinton-turned-McCain voters who've traveled to Denver this week and organized a kind of parallel counter-convention, with daily press conferences, protests, and movie screenings.

Sunday evening, a few dozen gathered in a former garage-turned-café a few minutes and light-years away from downtown Denver for the premiere of a new anti-Obama documentary, "The Audacity of Democracy." Participants included PUMA founder Will Bower - part of a pro-Clinton group that visited McCain headquarters shortly after she conceded in June - and Andy Martin, a conservative activist and author of an anti-Obama book who has been credited by supporters of the Democrat's campaign as the original source of the false rumor that he is a Muslim.

Nearly all of those interviewed said they planned to vote for the Republican ticket in the fall. Some insisted Clinton might still stage a convention floor coup and win the nomination Wednesday; others said they believed McCain might tap her as VP of a unity ticket.

The fearsome, the furious, the "few dozen" (photo).

Hillary Clinton wants you to STOP ironing John McCain's shirts!

"I'm Hillary Clinton, and I do not approve..."
In a media availability with reporters following the breakfast, Clinton reiterated her opposition to McCain’s ads.

“I don’t appreciate having my name or my words or for that matter Sen. Biden’s words used. There’s nothing I can do about it, except speak out against it, and hope people won’t give it any credence.”

“If you voted for me, you have much more in common with Senator Obama on every issue I campaigned on, on every cause that I have stood for, than you do with Senator McCain,” she said when asked what she thought of her former supporters considering a McCain vote.

Hillary wants you to stop folding laundry for John McCain. So leave John McCain's shirts alone.


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