
Thursday, September 22, 2005

Hurricane's a Comin' 

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My words are weak and small
You can't hardly hear them at all
They are just so many ways to leave a mark

I raise my lantern by the sea
It throws some light, but I can't see
The shadows tremble wild in the dark

There out in the waters
Spinning like a drunken top
The hurricane is coming, but
I will run away from death and never stop
Hurricane's a coming
It's on its way
Hurricane's a coming
It's on its way

Like a fighter in the ring
Death, where is thy sting?
Galeveston is waiting on the shore

Like a dreamer on the sand
Who reaches up with just one hand
But cannot open up the only door

(repeat chorus)

In the Gulf there are warm waters
That sustain the whirling daughters
They seek to come ashore and fly away

The terror and the power
Of a storm consumes the hours
God has bought the garden but it's hell you have to pay

(repeat chorus)

My words are weak and small
You can't hardly hear them at all
They are just so many ways to leave a mark

I raise my lantern by the sea
It throws some light, but I can't see
The shadows tremble wild in the dark

(repeat chorus)


Image of Galveston dead being removed for burial from here.

Crossposted at Mortaljive.



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