
Monday, August 08, 2005

Ominous exhortations from the Wahabi Kingdom... 

Via AP/Yahoo News
U.S. Embassy Will Close Saudi Offices By DONNA ABU-NASR, Associated Press Writer

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - The U.S. Embassy and consulates in Saudi Arabia will close Monday and Tuesday because of a threat against U.S. government buildings, the embassy said Sunday.

In a statement, the embassy said mission personnel will limit nonofficial travel during the next two days and urged Americans to keep "a high level of vigilance." The statement did not elaborate on the nature of the threat.

"The American Embassy in Riyadh advises all American citizens living in Saudi Arabia that, in response to a threat against U.S. government buildings in the kingdom, the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh and the U.S. consulate generals in Jiddah and Dhahran will be closed on Aug. 8 and 9," the statement said.

It reminded Americans that, in the past, terrorist groups have targeted housing compounds and other establishments where Westerners may be located.

I'm guessing this is little more than some call to prayer: all aboard Prince Turki's ambassador airways party plane bound for The Prairie Chapel Ranch in Craw-ferd! - perhaps another tiptoe though the bluebonnets - another summer 'Saudi Night', Lone Star, revel yell, Elvis White Panty Party? Woo-hoo! -- het, het, het...snicker snicker...

Like I said, I'm just guessing... I hope I'm right...

Meanwhile ... in other thrilling "total war" news (as if a very bad Little Boy wasn't enough):
Nagasaki Prepares for A-Bomb Anniversary By ERIC TALMADGE, Associated Press Writer:

NAGASAKI, Japan - On the eve of the anniversary Tuesday of Nagasaki's devastation 60 years ago by the "Fat Man" atomic bomb,... Nagasaki Prepares for A-Bomb Anniversary


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