Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Frogmarch watch: Gee, I didn't know Rove had a beard
But two beards? That's a little excessive. (via Kos)
No, but seriously, folks. We still don't know who gave "Jeff '8-inch, cut' Gannon" his White House day pass, day after day after day. Or to which White Houseorifice office he was, um, escorted.
And we still don't know which, um, handler passed "Gannon" the "internal government memo" purporting to show that Valerie Plame suggested that Joseph Wilson be sent to Niger to investigate Saddam's (non-existent) yellowcake uranium.
If it wasn't Rove, who could it have been?
No, but seriously, folks. We still don't know who gave "Jeff '8-inch, cut' Gannon" his White House day pass, day after day after day. Or to which White House
And we still don't know which, um, handler passed "Gannon" the "internal government memo" purporting to show that Valerie Plame suggested that Joseph Wilson be sent to Niger to investigate Saddam's (non-existent) yellowcake uranium.
If it wasn't Rove, who could it have been?