Saturday, July 30, 2005
Flag Desecration - make up your own caption
bringing dignity and honor to the airport...
Character matters:
What will we tell the children?
For photo (source) above and additional commentary visit dixychik at Sweet Liberty News
GALLUPING POLLS; today's race to the bottom results - 43 finishes 44 on a fast track to the glue factory:
mommy, why is president Bush waving to the American people like that?
Character matters:
[George W. Bush] Presidential behavior: Will uphold the dignity and honor of the office of president. He refuses to answer questions about whether he"s ever used drugs and won"t discuss mistakes he made when he was younger because he doesn't want his daughters or other children to imitate bad behavior. - back link
What will we tell the children?
For photo (source) above and additional commentary visit dixychik at Sweet Liberty News
GALLUPING POLLS; today's race to the bottom results - 43 finishes 44 on a fast track to the glue factory:
PRINCETON, NJ -- A new Gallup Poll finds a decline in George W. Bush's job approval rating. After standing at 49% approval in the prior two CNN/USA Today/Gallup polls conducted this month, now just 44% of Americans say they approve of Bush, a new low mark for the president.
The July 25-28 Gallup Poll finds 44% of Americans approving and 51% disapproving of the job Bush is doing as president. Bush's prior low approval rating was 45%, which occurred once in March and once again in June of this year.
mommy, why is president Bush waving to the American people like that?