
Saturday, July 23, 2005

Bush torture policies: Dick "Fuck Yourself" Cheney's all for it! 

Well, that's all I need to know!

The Bush administration in recent days has been lobbying to block legislation supported by Republican senators that would bar the U.S. military from engaging in "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment" of detainees, from hiding prisoners from the Red Cross, and from using interrogation methods not authorized by a new Army field manual.

Vice President Cheney met Thursday evening with three senior Republican members of the Senate Armed Services Committee to press the administration's case

It was the second time that Cheney has met with Senate members to tamp down what the White House views as an incipient Republican rebellion. The lawmakers have publicly expressed frustration about what they consider to be the administration's failure to hold any senior military officials responsible for notorious detainee abuse in Iraq and the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Golly! They "expressed frustration"! I bet they even went to far as to "share their concerns"! If these Repubublicans had an ounce of decency or honor (or had a custodial relationship with their testicles) they'd just pass the damn law! Or is rape OK as an instrument of US foreign policy? ("Shining city on a hill" and all that...)

Neither Cheney's office nor the lawmakers would say exactly what was discussed at the meeting, citing a routine pledge of confidentiality.

God, everyone's giving routine pledges of confidentiality these days, aren't they? I guess that's the first thing you do, after you drink the Kool-Aid. What's that old AA saying? You're only as sick as your secrets?

The Republican effort is intended partly to cut off an effort by Senate Democrats to attach more stringent demands to the defense bill regarding detainees. One group, led by Sen. Carl M. Levin (D-Mich.), has proposed an amendment calling for an independent commission -- similar to the Sept. 11 commission -- to look into administration policies on interrogation and detainee abuse.
(via WaPo)

Good idea. And let's ask Roberts what he thinks about Attorney General Gonzales calling a ratified treaty, the Geneva Convention, quaint, and writing the memos (back) to justify the torture at Abu Ghraib.

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