
Sunday, April 03, 2005

Pharmacists For Strife Roundup 

Happy Daylight Savings Time. Be aware that the Fed is likely to increase interest rates in the next couple months, so you may want to refinance now.

On to the real story. As you all know, Lambert's last post explored the issue of pharmacists refusing service, inspired by one of alert reader chica toxica's posts.

Allow me a little self-aggrandizement in saying that I've been on this issue for awhile. As some of you may know, I have my own weblog, It's My Country, Too, and I also post weekly as a member of The American Street, where I have been following the developments of this trend and the leadership of Pharmacists for Life in pushing this agenda. Just this week I had to put 2 pieces on it up at TAS, and yesterday, after reading more news about it--the Illinois governor signed a law requiring all pharmacists there to fill and dispense prescriptions promptly, and the APA expressed "concerns" as to the law's effect on phramacists' autonomy--I posted another piece at my own site.

I decided yesterday to put all 4 related pieces together on my site in order to have an easily retrievable digest of the info. I'm not reproducing them here, because they're long, but if you would like some background on this issue, as well as some up-to-date info, go here, here, here, and here. Read the links as well as the post texts to get a full understanding of what this is about and what we are facing. Note that PFL is branching out to include the defense of straight marriage on its agenda.

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