
Thursday, March 10, 2005

Mouthbreathers in Charm City 

Get a load of this. From Millersville, MD:

A ninth-grader is protesting his school's decision to broadcast the Pledge of Allegiance in foreign languages as part of National Foreign Language Week.

Patrick Linton said he and other students at Old Mill High School sat down rather than stand Wednesday when the Pledge was read over the school's public address system in Russian. Linton's teacher told him if he had a problem he should leave the room.

He did, and did not plan to return this week.

"This is America, and we got soldiers at war," the 15-year-old said. "When you're saying the Pledge in a different language which nobody understands, that's not OK."

Patrick, we need to use our indoor voice! And study our grammar, too!

Charles Linton, Patrick's father, said the use of other languages is disrespectful to the country. "It's like wearing a cross upside down in a church," he said.
(via AP)

Mencken would be proud. Hey, maybe Dear Leader will invite our young Nativist to the White House.

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