
Saturday, February 26, 2005

Sheep, vile rumors, old friends, and lessons learned 

In another bizarre piece of fluffery by Lizzie "Girl Reporter" Bumiller, we get the usual next-to-nothing that two minutes worth of Googling would surround with some context:

"I worked there as a 14-year-old kid," Mr. Bush said. "I left Texas for Scotland to work on a sheep farm. And I'm riding my bike, taking this one sheep, you know, from here to there, and a big tour bus stops. And they got off, and a woman with a Texas accent said, 'Look at the little Scottish boy.' "
(via NY Times)

Now, let me be the first to admit that we were wrong, wrong, wrong. We were wrong about the vile rumor about goats (back).

Sheep. Oh George...

There is some confirmation that the story isn't entirely made up here. Nice to think of the fourteen year old Bush "working" on a sheep farm owned by a millionaire financier friend of Bush pere, William Gammel, who was later one of the original investors in Bush's first failed venture, Arbusto.

And it sounds like Gammel learned a lot from his experience!

The loyal Gammell is rigorously discreet about his two famous friends [Tony Blair and Bush], but he has acknowledged: "I learned a lot about the oil business from George W Bush."

Like what, I wonder?

"I learned two golden rules, double what you are told are the technical risks, and halve what you are told about the upside," Gammell said.
(Energy Bulletin)

My guess is that Gammel learned that lesson the hard way—being taken for a few million in Bush's Arbusto fiasco.

And you know? It's too bad Bush didn't learn those same two rules in His war of choice in Whack, isn't it? If Bush had doubled the technical risks, we might have had a plan to win the peace. And if Bush had halved the upside... Well, damn. We never were quite sure what the upside was, were we? Because it kept changing all the time... Oh well...

Georgie! Leggo of that sheep! How would you feel?!

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