
Friday, February 25, 2005

Being Caribou II 

We've moved Tresy's beautiful essay, to make sure everyone has a chance to read it.

In addition, here are some additional links. Orion magazine, a wonderful publication more people should be aware of, has a galaerie of photographs of the Arctic Refuge taken by "Photographer Subhankar Banerjee -- a thirty-something computer scientist from India turned artist and conservationist -- has honed his artistic proficiency from the seat of a kayak, a Cessna, and even an iceberg, documenting the wonders of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge over a two-year period." As the editors comment, these stunning photographs "vividly debunk Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton's characterization of ANWR as "flat, white nothingness." His exhibition at the Smithsonian was moved from the Rotunda Gallery to a hallway leading to a loading dock, without explanation." Getting angry? Good.

The magazine features top of the line writers like Peter
Matthiessen, Wendell Berry, Terry Temptest Williams, Jane Godall, Rick Bass, Barry Lopez; it offers audio readings, and a video of Mattheissen you should look at - all kinds of good stuff about a different way to look at our post 9/11 world. Here's its archive page - explore at your leisure. Don't miss this related article about Dick Cheney's energy policy, "Looking For Oil In All The Wrong Places," which has a particularly interesting graphic.

The League of Conservation Voters is also on the case:
Stop the Sneak Attack on the Arctic Refuge
Keep Arctic drilling OUT of federal budget legislation

Right now President Bush and his pro-drilling allies in Congress are plotting a sneak attack on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. In the next two weeks, oil-friendly members of the House and Senate will try a sneaky backdoor trick to pass their unpopular proposal to drill for oil in the pristine Arctic Refuge by inserting it into the must-pass federal budget bill.

It's up to us to put a stop to this sneak attack by raising a ruckus.
So we have our marching orders - make a ruckus. LCV can make it easier for you, click here to find out how. There's nothing like phone calls direct to members of congress. It doesn't have to be today. Early next week would be good, too. Call ten of your friends and ask them to do the same thing, and ask them to notify ten of their friends, and check for duplicate calls. Call your own representative and senators first. Then call key Democrats, especially in the leadership. Insist on talking to a staff person. Sometimes after they start getting calls on a specific subject, the receptionist starts keeping track of the totals, in which case, stating a brief message to her (still always her, yes?) is okay.

Guys, this is important. You don't get wilderness like this back once it falls under the development bulldozer. Now then, read Tresy below, or read it again; it'll inspire you.

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