
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Snoring Whores of Babylon Awaken... 

for the Mark of the Beast is upon you.
Co. to Advertise on Neb. Man's Forehead

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) - A Web-page designer who auctioned off the use of his forehead for advertising space is letting it go to his head.

Andrew Fischer, 20, of Omaha, who put his forehead for sale on eBay as advertising space, received $37,375 on Friday to advertise the snoring remedy, SnoreStop.

That should nudge the rapture index a little closer to the midnight hour:
The result is workers who are little more than peasants and presidents of companies who are more and more like kings. It will be these "kings" who usher in the world dictator to protect their wealth and power. Expect all commerce, buying and selling, to be controlled by a mark on the right hand or forehead of every person who wants to participate in the economy. Only those people with the mark will be able to buy and sell, but the consequences of taking the mark is eternal damnation (Rev 14:9-11). ~ rapture ready


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