
Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Readers, here are some simple questions for Ketchum 

We know from public relations and winger money laundering firm Ketchum's own site that they want to "own" blogs, and come to "mutually beneficial" relations with the blogosphere (back here).

Um, "mutually beneficial" like the $250,000-worth of mutual benefit they passed along from the taxpayers to Armstrong "Buff Daddy" Williams?

So, some simple, simple questions would seem to be in order. They've been asked—Ketchum doesn't believe in answering its mail. Strange for a PR firm, eh?

Readers, can you help? Politely?

To Ray Kotcher, CEO, Adam Brown, and Nicholas Scibetta:

Good morning:

Corrente readers would like to know:

1. Have you arranged to fund any bloggers?

2. If so, which bloggers?

3. If so, who were your clients?

4. If so, was the ultimate source of the funding taxpayer dollars?

In addition:

1. Have you arranged for trolls to target any blogs?

2. If so, which blogs?

3. If so, who were your clients?

4. If so, was the ultimate source of the funding taxpayer dollars?

Thank you for your attention in this matter.

An Alert Corrente Reader

The email addresses are in the salutation to the letter. Maybe if there are enough people asking the questions, politely of course, we'll get some answers.

Remember, we already know from Williams that "there are others" (back)

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