
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Poverty, Prosecutions and War Profiteers 

From Harper's Index - Jan., 2005:
Revenue generated by Halliburton under CEO Dick Cheney from business deals with Iraq under Saddam Hussein: $30,000,000 [Colum Lynch, Washington Post (N.Y.C.) ]

Estimated revenue generated by Halliburton last year through subsidiaries in Iran: $63,506,000 [Halliburton (Houston, Tex.) ]

Minimum number of countries with a greater capacity to produce nuclear weapons than Iraq at the time of the U.S. invasion: 35 [International Atomic Energy Agency (Vienna) ]

Average black-market price in Baghdad of a DVD showing the beheading of a foreigner or Iraqi "collaborator": 50c [Richard Beeston (Baghdad) ]

SourcesNumber of U.S. terrorism trials brought before a jury since September 11, 2001: 1 [U.S. Department of Justice ]

Number of terrorism convictions resulting: 2 [U.S. Department of Justice ]

Number of them dismissed in June due to a "pattern of mistakes" by the prosecution: 2 [U.S. Department of Justice ]

Percentage of poor Americans who lived in the suburbs in 1959 and last year, respectively: 17,39 [Harper's Research ]

Ratio of the number of poor Americans living in cities to the number who live in suburbs: 21:20 [Harper's Research ]

"Clearly we do have evidence, historical and otherwise, about the relationship to the Al Qaeda network to what happened on September 11," [...] "We will begin to lay out that evidence and we will do it with friends, allies and the American people and others." ~ Condoleezza Rice, [CNN Sept 22, 2001]. ABC News Online


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