Saturday, January 08, 2005
Moon Shiner tapped as potential US trade rep?
Via John Gorenfeld:
Moon movement VIP under consideration for top U.S. trade job
For further details... see link above
Moon movement VIP under consideration for top U.S. trade job
The Washington Post reports today that Josette Shiner is among five potential picks to to replace her boss, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick, who has been tapped to be Condi Rice's #2 man.
Once described as the most "enigmatic" of the Moon operatives in the Washington Times newsroom, Shiner was appointed by George W. Bush to a lesser U.S. trade ambassador post earlier in his administration, raising eyebrows in D.C., MSNBC reported at the time.
Shiner joined Moon's organization early on, as a college student in 1975, when Moon was much more frank about calling for his followers to take power in the U.S. government, and forge an "automatic theocracy to rule the world."
For further details... see link above