
Saturday, January 22, 2005

Corrente Poll #2 - results summary 

[QUESTION] If you could be a fly on the wall: upon which inauguration ball wall would you most like to crawl?

#1- Jenna and Barbara's Crown Royal 8-Ball = 46% - 82 votes. No surprise here. I figured this would be the big winner. I still have a hangover and can't breath through my right nostril.

#2- Fabulous AWOL "Mainstream" Media Ball = 12% - 21 votes. Not too surprised this one finished second. Highlights of the evening: White House press corp karioke with John King. Wolf and Judy's mainstream media disco dance party room. Bill O'Reilly grabbing Amy Robach by the ankles and holding her upside down and shaking her like an empty can of spray paint so he could look up her skirt and everyone else could hear that little metal ball-bearing rattle around inside her head. Strawberry daquari chug-a-lug with Tom Friedman.

#3- WMD Dodge Ball = 11% - 19 votes. I'm surprised anyone could find it. I couldn't. But thanks for looking.

#4- [The] Prosperity Thru Peonage Privatizers Ball = 9% - 16 votes. A good place to take down names. But eventually degenerated into little more than a drunken sulk, an evening of stale cigarettes, cheap shots of tequilla, and watching John Fund and Stephen Moore play video Keno. Yuck.

#5- Clownhall PowerLine PR Masquerade Bloggers Payola Ball = 8% 14 votes. Terrible food. Terrible music. No good looking women. Dorks. Like trick or treating at a Star Trek convention with Dennis Miller. Coat please.

#6- Cost Plus Jingo Bus Bombs Away Codpiece Ball = 7% - 13 votes. Great door prizes. Hi, my name is Diego Garcia, what was the address of that safe house in Kazakhstan?

#7- Tea Dance Tories Log Cabin Tiara Ball = 5% - 9 votes. A little surprised this one didn't get a bigger attendance. At least for the Margaret Thatcher drag queen look-a-like competition. Then again, watching Ken Mehlman tossing a beach ball around in a muscle shirt and a pair of sequined cutoffs was pretty disturbing. Weird lighting too. Taxi!

#8- Grand Old Pecksniff Power Ball = 2% - 3 votes. Cigars. Old smelly furniture. Two hundred year old scotch. Bob Novak. William Buckley. Five thousand dollar a night escorts... etcetera etcetera etcetera.

#9- Pirates of Penance Anchors Away Absolution Ball = 1% - 2 votes. A little surprised this event didn't draw more attention. Just for the special effects and the free hallucinegenics. Lots of action in the parking lot. I actually got layed at this one. Heh.

#10- Dotheboys Hall Rote Skolar Ball = 1% - 1 vote. One vote? Pissed off school teacher? Someone who actually read Nicholas Nickleby? Anyway... sniffing acetone off of freshly printed ditto machine handouts while sitting around on little tiny chairs lined up against the wall. ~ Topic of discussion: How to phonetically spell acetone without angering local busybody parents or annoying really annoying senior citizen groups.


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