
Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Rove the evil genius 

Who knew you could win an election based on fear-mongering and homophobic bigotry?

Who knew you didn't need a vision, an agenda, a message, or any sort of significant achievement, huh?

Who knew you could win an election after you've taken the nation into a fool's errand of a war that is going disastrously?

Well, um, Karl Rove knew.

And now I suspect the buyer's remorse is going to set in -- and fairly soon. Within a year to eighteen months I really do expect W to be a reviled president.

Why, you ask? Well because now W and the boys have to try to clean up the messes they've spent the last four years creating and I don't expect them to have much success. Rove is great at elections but he's terrible at governing.

Here's just a partial list of the problems they now will have to deal with in the next year or so:

W and the boys are now going to be forced to reveal the true cost of the Iraq War for next year. I suspect it's more than the $70B figure we've heard bandied about. That won't be popular.

W and the boys are now going to send our Marines to die to take Fallujah (they've been holding this off until after the election) and other insurgent-held areas. This is likely to be an awful struggle that may cost a few hundred American lives. That won't be popular.

The economy is also showing signs that it may be headed back into recession. Employment numbers are particularly flaccid right now. If we head back into recession, that sure as heck won't be popular.

The budget deficit promises to go up astronomically over the next year or two. When we're borrowing $1 of every $3 the federal government spends, that won't be popular.

But, hey, at least we're not allowing gay marriages!

God bless America.

corrente SBL - New Location
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