
Monday, November 01, 2004

"A private event" 

Hey, ABC does some reporting (and why, oh why did this story get released on the day before election day?!

Seems that some ABC reporters got tickets to a Bush rally and tried to attend wearing Kerry T-Shirts. And, while they weren't arrested or beaten up, the story is revealing:

"I'm sorry, but they're Kerry shirts," a female Bush volunteer said. "We were told not to let people with Kerry shirts into the rally."

And as they approached the gates of the stadium, Lance "Chip" Borman, a Bush campaign worker and attorney who worked for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq, directed them toward the Brevard County sheriff's deputies waiting at the exit.

"Hey folks, it's a private event," he said. "Can you find your way to the nearest exit? Maybe some law enforcement can help?"
(via ABC)

"A private event"... To see a presidential candidate, a private event?! WTF?!?

By contrast, when they did the same thing at a Kerry rally, the Democrats let them in, and let them wear their Bush T-shirts:

And at Kerry's Boca Raton rally, one of the faithful Democrats could be seen calming a woman upset at the sight of the Bush-Cheney T-shirts.

"Feel proud that we let them in," he said. "That's what democracy is all about, that's what we're fighting for."

The contrast couldn't be greater between Bush supporters and Ddemocrats, could it?

Closed systems die when they can't process their waste. Let's hope that's what's happending to the Republicans, starting tomorrow.

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