
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

OK, That's It, I'm Vomiting Pea Soup 

These lunatic shitheads below are the ones that pushed a lot of the elephant buttons. It is up to the reality-based community to hold on until the Invisible Cloud Being fails these poor saps, and they snap to. I mean, damn, you’d think that if they really believed this crap, they’d save some money on health care by just trusting the ICB to heal them, or give up if he doesn’t. It amazes me that I have to run into people like this every so often to remember that they really exist. It’s clear that Bushco panders to them. How, aside from waiting for them to realize that the Rapture ain’t coming and Bushco is bending them over, do we answer these poor deluded tiny-brained wipers of others’ bottoms? Or do we? What letter to the editor do we send in response to our own local loonies? Witness the headline in the letters section of a Pennsylvania fishwrapper:

Jesus speaks through the Republicans

I hope the election of George W. Bush is seen as a wake-up call to all the liberal Democrats who oppose God's will. It is His doing that George W. Bush is still our president. Millions of born-again Christians helped win this election through our prayers and votes. Jesus speaks through the Republicans.The Democrats will not be able to win elections until they renounce their sinful ways and stop encouraging abortions, gayness, and trying to take away our guns.

Earl Balboa

This is what we’re up against, folks. Yet another from a daily in New Mexico:

Thanks to God for President Bush


There is joy in Mudville! The results of this election bodes well for America.Same-sex marriages took it on the chin. Positive family values were reinforced. It will be increasingly difficult for the ACLU to assassinate God. Taxes will not go through the roof.More importantly, the world sees that those filthy people — film makers — in Hollywood could not topple a sitting U.S. president. With George Bush, we will get some decent people on the Supreme Court — judges that will make fair decisions without liberal bias.Suddenly the future of America looks much brighter — the Democrats have lost more control of their “fat cow.”I personally give thanks to God for President Bush.


Arrgggghhhh! I can only answer this self-righteous, brainless, deluded evil with this:

How can you BE SO STUPID? How? Someone tell me. You’re NO DIFFERENT than the fundamentalists you’re ostensibly fighting. IDIOTS. Aaiiiieeeeeee!

...if we do act, in however small a way, we don't have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.

from Howard Zinn

I’m gonna make it part of my own “succession of presents” to swell the ranks of the Democratic Party locally with hardnosed rationalists and people with Enlightenment values—screw this “we’ve got to become more friendly to the faith-based” line of crap. Yeah, I’ve switched parties. It was too easy “organizing” the 34 Greens we have in the county. I’ll settle for nothing less than a takeover from the testicular non-custodial Dems currently in power here. No quarter! I’ll give into these Jeebofascists when they pry the portrait of Emma Goldman out of my cold, dead fingers.

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