
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Military Intelligence 

I saw Barbara Starr, the Pentagon correspondent, on CNN this morning. She said that the folks in the Pentagon were wondering when they were going to have what she called "the mother of all battles." In short, the folks in Pentagon are wondering where are the insurgents went!

Okay, guys, I'm no military expert or anything but everyone in the world, no, really, I mean it, everyone in the world has known for months that this offensive would happen a couple of days after the November election.

So, guess what, Barbara? Guess what, Pentagon Poobahs?

The bad guys have been out of Fallujah for weeks.

W and the boys had the insurgents cornered in April. Consequently, W's poll numbers tanked disastrously and W, Karl and the boys could see their little re-election effort literally going up in smoke as we lost numerous soldiers in our first assault on Fallujah.

So, W and the boys did what all purely political animals would do in this situation. They chickened out. That's right folks. In the middle of the presidential campaign, Mr. "Resolute and Stay the Course" chickened out. Now these bad characters have moved on to fight another day.

I honestly can't say I'm surprised.

Are you?

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