
Friday, November 05, 2004

Isn't it about time satire and mockery were directed at "Christian" "Conservative" leaders? 

Since they are, after all, nothing more than politicians?

If Leno and Letterman (and Jon Stewart) can poke fun at Bush, Kerry, and The Arnis™, why can't they do the same with Ralph Reed, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and the rest of the gang? Are they, um, sacrosanct?

And then there's this guy. John Pastore Pastrami:

Christian Conservatives [sic] Must Not Compromise
Voters reject liberalism, an evil ideology.

Quite simply, a majority of Americans have rejected John Kerry and John Edwards and the left because they are wrong. They are wrong because there are not two Americas. We are one nation under a God they reject.

Thanks, LA Times. More like this. Lance the boil:

The nation has now resoundingly rejected the left and its agenda. We do not want to become European. We do not want to become socialist. We do not want to become secular. We are exceptional. We are unique. And we are the greatest force for good in the world, despite what the left, the terrorists or the United Nations may claim. It is for these reasons that we remain the last great hope in the world for freedom.

Well. All I can say is, good luck! And get this guy on Letterman ASAP!

UPDATE OK, OK, so I got Pastrami's name wrong. Sue me. Or send me to Hell. Whatever.

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