
Sunday, November 07, 2004

Goodnight, moon 

Now I lay me down to sleep ...

UPDATE Excellent post from a Kossack on election fraud claims. All I would say in response, is that it seems we live in a powerful reality distortion field right now. We already know, from election 2000, that the SCLM just won't cover this story. Witness the Times totally schizzy approach: On the editorial page, sounding the alarm; in the news hole, nothing, zip, nada. So the people putting together the maps and the statistics deserve support, not blame or chastisement.

UPDATE Radical thought, but given the long lines and people with nothing to do... Why not do am entrance poll? Kinda like a parallel structure. Give people some paper to write on, drop it in a sealed locked box, open it later, compare! What could be simpler?

UPDATE The Power of Nightmares. Indeed. Say, I wonder if the Raleigh Police got to use any of their new-fangled Homeland Security gear on those [cough] anarchists? Curtis, the documentary maker, points out that:

the term "al-Qaida" was invented by American prosecutors in early 2001 so they could prosecute individuals under terms of the RICO statues -- the anti-Mafia laws required a named organisation.

Eesh. Layers on layers of deception...

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