
Saturday, November 13, 2004

Gee, I'm Just Shocked (Yawn)—Cheney hospitalized 

Like this wasn't predicted by everybody, their brothers and their dogs:

(via AP/nyt)
WASHINGTON -- Vice President Dick Cheney, who has a history of heart trouble, was having tests at a hospital Saturday after experiencing some shortness of breath, a White House spokesman said.
So chuck out all the assumptions based on an "open seat" for Preznit in '08, trusting there will be at least some pretense of an election held that year for form's sake.

Who do we want as the next Dauphin? The Austrian Archduke (Ahhnold?) Or should we go right to the Crown Prince (Jeb)?

UPDATE So, soon Cheney will resign, over his health problems. The Constitution's line of succession means that Hastert would—without being elected, the beauty part—become Vice President.

Yep, sure sounds like parliamentary government to me, just like the Brits (unwritten Constitution and all). —Lambert

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