Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Flannery O'Connor wrote stories like this:
Then there are tensions gathering around possible dirty tricks as stories filter in that forecast more ugliness. On Sunday the local Allentown ACT (America Coming Together, a 527 working on voter mobilization) office was sabotaged when their power cables were cut. The local fire marshal has launched an investigation. Just recently, a canvasser reported knocking on the door of a registered Democrat, which, when opened, revealed two young boys wearing Bush-Cheney t-shirts. Surprised, she asked for the head of the household who turned out to be an elderly blind woman. The woman gleefully said that she had already voted after she was visited by two men who offered to fill out her absentee ballot and have her sign it--in exchange for t-shirts for her grandchildren. - Jonathan Tasini Ground War 2004/The Nation