
Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Democrats, let's exhibit the right stuff, OK? 

Tom Wolfe talks about test pilots having "the right stuff." Even if they're plane was crashing, they'd still be calmly working through their checklists. Remember Apollo 13, where Chris Craft asked "What have we got that's good?"

OK, what have we got that's good?

1. Ohio still (1:30AM) in play (on two networks, and with Democratic strongholds not counted).

2. Michigan and Wisconsin still (1:30AM) in play, as well as Iowa. (Granted, without Ohio, the math doesn't work)

Now, we know our enemies, don't we?

1. So why do we believe there's no election fraud in either Ohio or Florida?

2. So why do we believe the SCLM when they call close states, like Ohio, for Bush?

3. And why do we even believe the vote totals if 1/3 of them are on e-voting machines that don't leave a paper trail? (And given that, why not take a second look at the exit polls?)

4. And if 1, 2, or 3 have any truth to them, why do we believe that the SCLM will cover the story in real time?

So, let's not lose heart, no matter what. And let's pray that Kerry does not concede until all the votes are truly, authentically counted.

In fact, why can't Kerry turn his boat straight into the enemy fire, and declare victory? Take a page from the Bush playbook.

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