
Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Bush does not declare victory 

In fact, He was going to, then flip-flopped

White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card said today he is convinced President Bush has defeated Sen. Kerry, but that Bush will not make a statement until later today. "President Bush decided to give Sen. Kerry the respect of more time to reflect on the results of this election," he said. With three states still up in the air, neither candidate has the necessary 270 electoral votes.
(via CNN)

Bwa-ha-ha-ha! Bush "respects" Kerry! Oh, that's almost too rich.

Three states still counting, so I wouldn't call this too gracious.

Meanwhile, Kevin Drum disgraces himself with a display of Beltwat Dem wussiness. He actually accepts the Republican secretary of states numbers on the provisional votes! Puh-leeze!

NOTE Atrios asleep, Drum asleep, Josh asleep.... Shit, guys, get outta bed!

And remember, it isn't over until Kerry concedes. Have we remembered nothing from 2000? Maybe Kerry will do that in the next 1/2 hour; I don't know. But until then, Bush triumphant is utterly untrustworthy, as is the SCLM. We know this. So, why believe what they say?

And with that, I'm going to take a long nap.

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