
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Bill Clinton should run for Mayor of New York 

Definitely not for chair of the DNC (C'mon. The appearance of conflict is just too great.)

I like Clinton as head of the UN after Kofi Annan. Clinton would be great.

But for all our sakes:

The cities are blue. And where we have strong Democratic machines in the cities, we get blue states. Illinois is the prime example. What that means is that the cities will be the next victims of Republican assault (as if they weren't already, with all the Homeland Security money going to places like Wyoming. I know it's per capita. So?) Therefore, we have to defend the cities.

So why, oh why, is a Republican the mayor of New York? Get him outta there, bring on The Big Dog, and maybe New York will have someone to defend it against Bush over the next for years.

Plus, you know Clinton would make a great mayor of New York—and you know he's love it.

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