
Sunday, October 24, 2004

Your taxpayer dollars at work! 

I'm sure the RNC is reimbursing you for this, yeah right:

Racing toward a finish line 10 days away in an election too close to call, Bush hopscotched by Marine helicopter to rallies in Republican-friendly areas of Florida, the state that put him in the White House four years ago. His chopper landings on baseball fields, before thousands of cheering supporters, underscored Bush's ability to use the powers of the presidency for his campaign.

And if the helicopter arrivals weren't showy enough, Bush had Air Force One fly over the NFL football stadium in Jacksonville where tens of thousands of people were waiting to hear him speak.
(via AP)

Hey, I wonder if your tax dollars paid for Inerrant Boy's height enhancing footwear" too ?(via Atrios)

And the answer can only be Yes! I mean, since Bush is the Chosen of God to be Our Dear Leader, who can deny Him His height-enhanching footwear? Especially since it must bring him closer to the only Father he listens to? Phew! Felt my faith waver there for a minute....

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