
Sunday, October 31, 2004

YABL, YABL, YABL: How soon Bush forgets ... 

Inerrant Boy himself on the campaign trail in Lititz, Pennsylvania:

[BUSH]: And his policies make that clear. He says the war on terror is primarily a law enforcement and intelligence-gathering operation. Well, September the 11th changed me. I remember the day I was in the -- at Ground Zero, on September the 4th, 2001 [sic]. It's a day I will never forget. There were workers in hard hats there yelling at me at the top of their lungs, "Whatever it takes." I remember a man grabbed me by the arm, he looked me square in the eye, and he said, "Do not let me down." Ever since that day, I wake up every morning trying to figure out how to better protect America. I will never relent in defending America, whatever it takes. (Applause.)
(via White House Transcript)

A few points:

1. Bush, in the very same sentence where he says he will not forget, forgets. It's beautiful, isn't it? <sniff> "[Sic]" transit gloria W...

2.Then again, the way Bush does math, "4" and "14" might as well be the same!

3. Of course, Bush forgot whether he was "concerned" or not about Bin Laden, too. In front of millions. (See debate coverage (Scroll to Big Lie #1)).

4. Winger apologists will doubtless claim "It's just a date, just a slip of the tongue." Man, I know if Inerrant Boy got His wedding anniversary date wrong, He'd hear about it from Leadfoot. So, He muffs a date where 3000 of our people died, and we give him a free pass? Bien sur!

5. As Dana Milbank has reported (It's just another one of his stories), the "man" who "grabbed" Bush has never been identified, and the story about who "the man" is and what he said just keeps changing. Kinda like those TxANG stories, eh? Maybe if we offered a $50,000 reward?

6. Finally, who cares whether Bush will "never relent"?

Bush feels relentless. So what?

I want results.

And if you look at results, Bush has been a miserable failure.

Three years ago, Bin Laden was "wanted, dead or alive."

Now, Bin Laden is making tapes, looks the picture of health, and is dispensing sage foreign policy advice to the West on how to deal with the Islamic world and his coming Caliphate.

And the Republicans are trying to spin that as some kind of victory. Go figure.

NOTE Thanks to alert reader Jesus for the tip. And I'm pleased Bush made this screwup in PA.


7. I almost forgot. "Whatever it takes" is the name of the ad that Bush had to pull, because Kos nailed him (here) on the fact that the images of troops in the audience had, in back, been Photoshopped. (Elinor Clift, who pinged my memory on this, has an excellent takedown of the Bush campaign, with particular attention paid to Al Caca, here.

Really, that single paragraph from Bush's stump speech is a compendium of lies and distortions, isn't it?

UPDATE Alert reader Steve Bates does reality check on Bush's story about "the man" who "grabbed" Bush:

Anyone who grabbed Bush by the arm and looked him straight in the eye would almost instantly be so full of bullets delivered by the Secret Service that he wouldn't live long enough to say, "Do not let me down."

Funny how so much of what Bush says and does just dissolves when you look at it, isn't it. Not funny ha-ha, either.

UPDATE Alert reader sharpens the, um, implausibility noticed by Steve still more:

hree days after a terrorist attack and the Secret Service's Presidential guard unit is allowing all of these people walk up to the President at the site of the attack?

The chance of anyone not a known political figure, staff member, or member of the Secret Service protection team getting within 20 feet of the President: 0%.

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