
Friday, October 15, 2004

YABL, YABL, YABL! The Amazin' Froomkin is right again! 

Remember (back here) how Froomkin found the Bush "tell"—the words "of course"—that shows He's lying? Well, here is is in action:

Bush is so desperate he actually came out and talked to the press on his campaign plane. From the transcript, all the way at the end:

BUSH: Listen, thank you. Good to see you, Dan. Get a smile on your faces, everybody, 18 days left.

Q Will you come visit us again?

SENATOR McCAIN: Every day. (Laughter.)

THE PRESIDENT: I'm a better person for it, of course. (Laughter.)
(via Transcript)

Would they be laughing if they knew, as we know, that Bush was lying to them? Either they don't read Froomkin (why not?!?!), or they're used to it and don't care. Oh well, good for them. It's nice work of you can get it.

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