
Monday, October 18, 2004

Wasting away again in Bill O'Reillyville 


Nursing a headache, watching the news break
All of the talkshows, muckraking turmoil
Selling falafel, beside a motel wall
Smell that asphalt its begining to boil

Wasting my day away in Bill O'Reillyville
Chugging down my last bottle of malt
Some bitches claim that theres a phone call to blame
But I know it's all Bill Clinton's fault.

Don't know the season, abandoned all reason
Got nothing to screw but some airhead named Dew
But shes got some body, a local news hotty,
Just ask Rush Limbaugh, he knows her too!

Wasting my day away in Bill O'Reillyville
Chugging down my last bottle of malt
Some bitches claim that theres a phone call to blame
But I know it's all Bill Clinton's fault.

So now I'm a beach slut
That can't keep his my mouth shut
Wild oats, right here I have sown
And theres always my shower, where I regain my power
With my loofa sponge friend and a bag of homegrown.

Wasting my day away in Bill O'Reillyville
Slugging back my last botle of scotch
Sometimes I claim that there's extortion to blame
But I know it's all in my crotch.



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