
Friday, October 15, 2004


I guess I'm not getting this one. The wingers are frothing and stamping that Kerry somehow "outed" Mary Cheney in the third debate. Last time I checked, Mary Cheney was the chair of Dick "Dick" Cheney's campaign committee. And before that, she was doing outreach for winger paymaster and watery beer manufacturer Coors—now that's tawdry—to the gay and lesbian community. So how on earth did Kerry "out" her? Maybe the wingers didn't do their research, so they didn't know Mary Cheney's bio before Kerry mentioned it?

Hey, and sponsoring a Constitutional amendment to pick up the SIC vote? That's... "tawdry." Hell, it's positively whorish.

I'm tempted to dismiss the winger frothing and stamping as more of the usual, except they're working it so hard they must think they've got hold of a winning issue... The only one I can think of is that they are playing on the fears of those who are still closeted in the base... Readers?

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