
Monday, October 11, 2004

Sinclair whorage: It takes a village to stomp a weasel 

By now you know the story: Sinclair Broadcasting has ordered its affiliates in swing states to run anti-Kerry propaganda, right before the election. From John Marshall:

But like I said, too generous. It isn't like a Swift Boat ad. It actually is a Swift Boat ad.

Atrios points us to SinclairWatch, where you can file your "informal complaint" with the FCC to challenge the license renewals of the Sinclair affiliates.

Meanwhile, the left coaster answers the point that the wingers have been frothing and stamping about:

Comparisons between [Sinclair's Moonie-directed, SBVF[cough]T-style] smear and “Fahrenheit 911” are disingenuous at best simply because you could choose to go, pay, and see a movie even if propaganda, whereas this piece of propaganda is being beamed into your home on the public airwaves with the specific intention of swinging the election by using taxpayer-subsidized airwaves.

Atrios also gives us the addresses of the Sinclair executives. Feel free to introduce yourself:

Mark Hyman: mhyman@sbgnet.com Vice President for Corporate Relations

David Smith: dsmith@sbgnet.com, CEO

Joe Defeo: jdefeo@sbgnet.com, Corporate News Director

Now Atrios admonishes to make nice, and I couldn't agree with him more. In fact, I think it would be a good idea to send each of them a very special gift! I've reprinted it below. Save it out, and send it along to your new friends!

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