
Friday, October 15, 2004

Pay no attention to the bulge beneath the jacket! 

Even way-too-deferential-to-these-clowns Kevin Drum is taking notice—there must be something to it:

But as these pictures from each of the three debates shows, there's very clearly something there. The White House can't just blandly write it off as a weird internet rumor when photos from three separate debates all show it.

So what's going on? The Bush campaign has denied it's a bulletproof vest but hasn't otherwise commented. Is it a back brace? A medical contraption? A secret security device of some kind? (If so, it's not a secret anymore.) Why hasn't the White House press corps asked Scott McClellan about this and demanded a straight answer? How can they allow themselves to be blown off about something this peculiar?

Shouldn't someone get a serious answer to this question? He is the president of the United States, after all.

Well, Kevin, I try not to call Bush "president"—it's just one of those editorial policy things, you know: Giving people their correct titles. I generally say Bush is the "chief executive" and that He "assumed office," rather than was "elected." Dig?

And hey! What about the saliva and the facial paralysis (back)?

Anyhow, Kevin does have a fine bonus: the exhaustive set of Bush Bulge images. Send 'em if you got 'em!

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