
Tuesday, October 05, 2004

No More Teevee Fer Me 

I’m on the road and I made the mistake last night of turning on the teevee at the motel. Turned it to PBS, and American Experience was on. About RFK. About what was and what might have been.

"In 1968, during that brief campaign for the Democratic nomination, Robert Kennedy would say over and over again, 'There must be a revolution.' Not a revolution in the streets, but in the minds and hearts and souls of our people. He believed that. He wanted -- not just to change laws -- but he wanted to change people. He wanted to change the mind-set. He wanted to build a sense of community. Dr. King called it 'the beloved community,' some of us call it an interracial democracy, some of us call it one house, the American house. But he wanted to see all of us make that great leap. Under his leadership we would've made that great leap." John Lewis, Civil Rights Activist

"I think of it all the time. I think this would be a different country if he had lived -- a lot better country. And, I think, a more responsive, more humane country -- and a more equal, more generous society." Anthony Lewis, Journalist

Woulda, coulda, and shoulda.

Watching this reminded me of the deep, deep anger I felt at being cheated out of MLK and RFK. It reminded me of the descent into cynicism about politics that I still haven’t completely shaken.

But it also reminded me that hope is on the way. Or so I’m promised. Yeah, the idealist is still alive, somewhere deep under this calloused skin.

I found out that since I’m registered Green, I can hang out at the polling place in my precinct and keep an eye on things Nov. 2 as long as I don’t sport any political messages. The Dems already have someone, but any party who has any candidate on the ticket is eligible if they don’t already have a rep. At least that’s how it is in my county. So I reckon I’ll be hanging around to make sure the ballot boxes are locked up proper and delivered and so forth and that there ain’t no polecats at the polls.

Today is the last day to register to vote in Missouri, Illinois and New Mexico. Outside the library here there’s a group getting the job done. Think I’ll go help before I gotta get back to werk. (High speed connection at the library—wheeeee!)

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