Sunday, October 17, 2004
Kerry nails Bush on Social Security privatization—in one news cycle
Nice job, Dems.
What's your point, John? Hey, throw Momma from the train! Bush speaks with the voice of God, and He says it's OK!
Finally! The 2-1=5 Bush arithmetic makes it into the mainstream. So why isn't this in the lede?
Well, maybe people—especially people on Social Security or near it—can do the math a lot better than Bush can. After all, they have to worry about facts, where all Bush has to do is pray about it.
Kerry talked about Social Security from the pulpit of the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio, citing a report in The New York Times Magazine [back here] that quoted Bush as telling supporters that "privatizing Social Security" would be high on his second-term agenda.
He called it Bush's "January surprise," and said it may be good for "the wealthiest people and the well connected in America, but it's a disaster for America's middle class."
Citing estimates from the Congressional Budget Office, Kerry said Bush's plan would mean "benefit cuts for seniors of between 25 percent and 45 percent. That's up to $500 less for food, for clothing, for the occasional gift for a grandchild," he said, and vowed anew not to cut benefits or raise the retirement age if elected.
What's your point, John? Hey, throw Momma from the train! Bush speaks with the voice of God, and He says it's OK!
Bush has long advocated overhauling Social Security to allow younger workers the choice of putting a portion of their payroll taxes into private accounts.
Aides also have said that current Social Security beneficiaries and those approaching the age of eligibility would not be required to accept any changes in the current system.
But implicit in any such modification is the need either to replace or offset the money that will begin flowing to private accounts rather than traditional Social Security. Estimates run into the trillions of dollars over several years.
Finally! The 2-1=5 Bush arithmetic makes it into the mainstream. So why isn't this in the lede?
Purely in political terms, Republican survey data long ago discovered that voters recoil at the use of the word "privatize" in connection with either Social Security or Medicare.
(via AP)
Well, maybe people—especially people on Social Security or near it—can do the math a lot better than Bush can. After all, they have to worry about facts, where all Bush has to do is pray about it.