
Sunday, October 17, 2004

Iraq clusterfuck: So, sitdown strikes work 

We've been following the saga of the 343rd Quartermaster Company (here, here, and here.

I guess you could call it a "mutiny." Or you could call it a "sitdown strike." Whatever you call it, it worked. The Army is putting armor on the trucks.

As a result of the incident, the entire 343rd is in the midst of a two-week "stand down," bolting on new armor and upgrading maintenance on its vehicles. The 18 soldiers under investigation must complete additional training and win re-certification to regain permission to perform convoy missions, [a military spokesman] said.
(via AP)

If there'd been more strikes like this earlier, maybe armor would have gotten on the HumVees faster. Since Bush would prefer to pray rather than take a look at facts on the ground, I guess its up to the troops to give him a little reality therapy. Eh?

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