
Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Halloween beckons. Sharpen your carving knives! 

GOTV opportunity - Scare 'em silly.

Via Op-Ed News (lots of photos):
Throw your own Halloween Bush Bash.
The idea behind the Halloween Bush Bash is to have a fun get together and to parade through a high visibility area, mocking Bush. Carry Kerry/Edwards signs so it's clear to bystanders why you are there. Bring literature. Pick it up at a local campaign office, or print out this one page flyer. Why vote for Kerry and Against Bush: Here's a link to an MS Word file. Kerry supporters will love it. Bush supporters will hate it. They told us we should be ashamed of ourselves. Hah. That's the stock republican reply-- shame and fear. But how about those undecideds? Maybe the parade helped the few still undecided to see, with a sense of humor, what a lying, low-life loser Bush really is.

Oh boy. There are so many possibilities here I don't even know where to start. The irony of course is this: the whole Bush administration is fundamentally nothing more that one long ongoing ding-dong boo-scare trick-or-treat night on the town.

So, just for starters...

Dress up as George W. Bush and run around the cul-de-sac excidedly informing everyone you meet that the creepy guy next door with the funny accent has buried weapons of mass destruction under his aluminum tool shed. If anyone asks you to prove it just accuse them of treason or sedition or something like that and let the kid dressed up in the John Ashcroft Calvinist Avenger costume deal with it.

Dress up as the "Gay Agenda" and ring Rick Santorum's bell. Tell him you're looking for a lost puppy. Then ask him if his back door is unlocked and wink at him.

Dress up as Wolf Blitzer, and when some poor stupid unsuspecting bastard turns on the porch light and answers the door, just stand there with a blank stare on your face while robotically gabbering in an endless droning monotone until your victim begins crying like a tortured refugee or threatens to have their cable disconnected.

You don't even have to leave home for this one: Dress up as Bill O'Reilly and call your neighbors daughters and/or female co-workers up on the telephone and ask them if they'd like to jet down to St. Barts, get shit-faced, and masturbate in a hotel room shower while you sit on the pot juggling hot falafels. If they dare to report you to the "authorities" just accuse them of extortion, tell them to SHUT UP!, and threaten to send Roger Ailes over to their home to soap their windows.

This could go on and on and on and on for quite a while ya know. But you get the idea.


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