
Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Goodnight, moon 

You know, I've always thought it was beyond Zipper-head-ness that Bush can't ever admit that He, personally, ever made a mistake. But I've finally evolved a theory, and it works for both Him and the base:

The reason Bush never admits a mistake is because He really believes that He is President by divine right.

And how could God make a mistake? Case closed.

And tomorrow, the debate. So if Bush doesn't smirk, like the first time, or shout, like last time, do you think the SCLM will be chattering about how Bush doesn't know himself? Ha. And where's that video of Bush shouting? I'm surprised the DNC hasn't circulated one.

Time to blow out my tiny candle under the stairs in The Mighty Corrente Building.

Oh, and way to go, Mark Dayton. You're either a wuss, or you're falling for the gaslighting. Sheesh.

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