
Saturday, October 09, 2004

Goodnight, moon  

So where's the video with the clips of Bush shouting at people, winking, and making funny faces during the debate?

Hey, when Bush said "internets", he was right! Go see.

You know, I saw farmer's latest on the Köulteratavus after dinner and that wasn't a good plan... At all...

So wrong. But so very, very right.

And here's a sample of what the Marines think about the war in Iraq:

"I don't think anything is going to get better; I think it's going to get a lot worse. It's going to be like a Palestinian-type deal. We're going to stop being a policing presence and then start being an occupying presence. . . . We're always going to be here. We're never going to leave."

If Bush has managed to piss off the Marines... Well, if they see that nobody else has taken Him down, they'll take it on themselves.

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