
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Freep This Poll, Dammit 

Long ago, in a more innocent time, when I was still quite naive (that would be, oh, about July) I used to think it was petty and childish to try to manipulate online polls. So take a look at the following questions and considering the choices are Bush, Kerry and Whatsisname (Nehru? Nixon? I ferget, something with an "N") do what seems appropriate.

(via Richmond VA Times-Dispatch)
Who can you trust?

Who is the hardest worker?

Who is the most qualified?

Who would you rather meet?
It's on the right, scroll down just a scosh. It'll take maybe 15 seconds. Oh yeah, that "Bush" person is currently leading. Even in "hardest worker," can you imagine? Get thee hence.

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