Thursday, October 07, 2004
Dick "Dick" Cheney 's cheapest of cheap shots at Edwards
I know, there were so many. But the subchapter S cheap shot was the lowest of the low. The Amazin' Froomkin quotes Ragout:
Silly. It's only right to become Subchapter S if you sign a loyalty oath and show up at a torchlight parade for the Partei! IOKIYAR!
Bush frequently makes the same claim on the campaign trail, praising small businesses as "job creators," and charging that Kerry's plan will raise their taxes: "Ninety percent of small businesses pay tax at the individual income tax rate, because they're either subchapter-S corporation or a sole proprietorship."
So it was more than a little hypocritical when, later in the debate, Cheney charged that Edwards had used a "special tax loophole" to avoid taxes during his days as a lawyer. The loophole? Incorporating under subchapter-S, of course!
In their stump speeches, subchapter-S corporations are virtuous job creators, but when their opponent starts a perfectly typical corporation of this type, he's a tax dodger. What a cheap shot.
(via Ragout)
Silly. It's only right to become Subchapter S if you sign a loyalty oath and show up at a torchlight parade for the Partei! IOKIYAR!