
Sunday, October 24, 2004

The "Daisy" Ad, v. 20.04 

Editor's note: I wrote this last night/this morning and chickened out (on account of I had been drinking just a tad) and didn't post it. Now Tresey's brilliant ad has made me jealous, so here's my contribution:

Farmer's the graphics wizard hereabouts. I have the curse of seeing great pictures in my head without the knowledge or talent to bring them into being. That said, here's the ad I'd like to see, as best as I can do it in words. And yes, dammit, with an "I'm John Kerry and I approve this message."

[NEWS STOCK footage:] A jet plane hits the World Trade Center. Flames explode. 5 sec.

[SPLIT SCREEN, more STOCK]: A classroom. George Bush sits in a small chair, holding the book "The Pet Goat." A man enters L., whispers in ear. Scene continues for 12 seconds.

[BLACKOUT. 2 sec. pause.]

[Screen stays BLACK.] [VOICEover]: "Can George Bush protect us from the next terrorist attack?

"Did he protect us from the last one?"

MUSIC underneath: last 30 seconds of "A Day in the Life", Lennon/McCartney. Hit final chord at 1 second pause after VOICEover word "one."


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