
Thursday, September 09, 2004


did Cheney push the panic button the other day?

I think we all know the answer to that question now, don't we?

This White House's political strategy is cratering before our very eyes as lie after lie is uncovered.

I'm assuming Americans are smart enough to recognize it when they see it.


That last statement may be a mistake. I'm sure the media whores will try to convince us there's nothing to see here. Move along.

UPDATE: Oh yeah. As expected, Glenn's blog over in hacktopia already has links to some pretty pathetic attempts to defend the regime from these latest charges of mendacity.

I especially love Glenn's comment that "it seems [Bush] put in more hours in the air than Kerry did in Swift boats." Pitiful.

That's true, Glenn. All those hours flying around protecting Galveston from seagulls have to be taken into account I guess.

Glenn really is just a Bush-loving hack, isn't he?

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