
Friday, September 24, 2004

What's missing from this picture? 

"Produced by the U.S. Department of State, Office of International Information Programs" - http://usinfo.state.gov/
Countries Where al Qaeda Has Operated Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda - (Posted November 10, 2001)

This list was posted to the State Depatment's webpage on Oct. 10, 2001:

Albania | Algeria | Afghanistan | Azerbaijan | Australia | Austria | Bahrain | Bangladesh | Belgium | Bosnia | Egypt | Eritrea | France | Germany | India | Iran | Ireland | Italy | Jordan | Kenya | Kosovo | Lebanon | Libya | Malaysia | Mauritania | Netherlands | Pakistan | Philippines | Qatar | Russia | Saudi Arabia | Somalia | South Africa | Sudan | Switzerland | Tajikistan | Tanzania | Tunisia | Turkey | Uganda | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom | United States | Uzbekistan | Yemen

Uh....what's missing from this list? If you answered "Iceland" - YOU - yes you! - win the Pontiac Sunbird with the rollaway sunroof!

John archy McKay has more including a copy of the 2001 State Dept. map. As well as info and links.....so go check that out. (includes a Village Voice link - who also discovered the map.)

Also noted here: Uncle Horn Head who reminds us that Hesiod at Counterspin Central is back in action.


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