
Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Blogroll Updates: 

1- James Wolcott
BTW: If you haven't had a chance to read Wolcott's Attack Poodles and Other Media Mutants; The Looting of the News in a Time of Terror do yourself a huge favor and pick up a copy. You won't be sorry. The book is laugh yourself silly hilarious as well as frighteningly goddamned serious. Following excerpt from Attack Poodles...
His [George W. Bush] reelection campaign will be a sustained fear-based initiative, his massive ad buys serving as his "Shock and Awe" bombardment, the attack poodles amplifying their alarmist messages. For attack poodles are the straw dogs of fear and loathing - four-legged scarecrows crouched at the crossroads. Only when enough of us are tired of being afraid will the attack poodles and their masters be routed, and that will entail lighting a torch to each and every bundle of lies. I think that day is due. Too much anger is in the air, and the dead of 9/11 can no longer be yoked around the necks of those demanding answers. If Bush buys reelection, it will be a Pyrrhic victory, his second term as ravaged as Nixon's; he will not survive, and he will go down in history reviled. Let the bonfires burn. In the uncompromising words of John Jay Chapman, "It is necessary to destroy reputations when they are lies. Peace be to their ashes. But war and fire until they be ashes. This is positive and constructive work." And don't let anyone tell you different.

As Tom says below, "It's time to ride these guys out of town on a rail." Bush, Cheney, every one of em. And that goes for their yappy hoola-hoop diving whelp-dog circus of mutant media mutts as well.

More links added to the blogroll. Pay a visit to each. Copy them. Add them to your own blogroll if you haven't already. I try to add new links to the menu as fast as I can (some should have been added ages ago) but sometimes I fall behind. Gotta iron the lawn and chase the pumpkins from the deer patch and hurl obscenities at the television. You know how it goes. So my apologies, especially to those of you who visit here regularly, for not getting these up earlier:

2- Frogsdong
3- Cooped Up (Jeff Coop)
4- Michael Berube
5- Stone Court
6- Scaramouche
7- Bear Left Link Library
8- Greg Palast
9- Mithras
10- Ethel the Blog
11- GWBush04 (humor - parody and satire)
12- Rude Pundit
13- Bonassus

Also added the email this post button (below). Don't know if it works because I've never tried it. But there it is if you'd like to give it a go.

Set those torches..."to each and every bundle of lies."


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