
Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Ben Barnes and the "Texas Miracle" - tonight, CBS 

Tonight on 60 Minutes 2:
Former Texas House Speaker and Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes, the man who says he got George W. Bush into the National Guard, tells his story for the first time to Dan Rather, tonight at 8 p.m. ET/PT

extra links: Washington Post/Barnes
Video - Barnes
(Thanks to "NYMinute" for those links.)

Plus - More lies and disinformation from the Bush contagion.

60 Minutes 2 revisits the so called "Texas Miracle".
Houston schools won nationwide praise over the last few years for slashing dropout rates and significantly boosting test scores. Dan Rather investigates claims that this model system falsified dropout rates.

Thanks to reader "Young Turk" for alerting us to this program late last week.
(CBS) It was called the "Texas Miracle," a phrase you may remember because President Bush wanted everyone to know about it during his 2000 presidential campaign


"Sharpstown High wasn’t the only "outstanding" school. The Houston school district reported a citywide dropout rate of 1.5 percent. But educators and experts 60 Minutes checked with put Houston's true dropout rate somewhere between 25 and 50 percent.

"But the teachers didn't believe it. They knew it was cooking the books. They told me that. Parents told me that," says Kimball. "The superintendent of schools would make the public believe it was one school. But it is in the system, it is in all of Houston."

Those low dropout rates – in Houston and all of Texas - were one of the accomplishments then-Texas Gov. George Bush cited when he campaigned to become the "Education President." - Full article / CBSNews

60 Minutes II main page.

(thanks Riggsveda for reminding me of all of this today)


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